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H2K11: A Pumpkin Porter

If two years in a row is enough to make something a tradition, then it is our tradition to brew a holiday beer as gifts for our friends and loved ones. This year we decided to go with something a bit different.

Utilizing Sam Calagione’s recipe, we brewed up a batch of very tasty Pumpkin Porter. We are quite pleased with it and hopefully our friends will agree.


Type: Extract
OG: 1.078
FG: 1.014
ABV: 8.0%
Specialty Grain
1 lb. Black Patent Malt
1.5 lbs. Pale 6-Row Malt
3.3 lbs. Light Liquid Malt Extract
3 lbs. Amber Dry Extract
1 lb. Dark Dry Extract
1 oz. Hallertauer (60 mins.)
1 oz. Cascade (20 mins.)
.5 oz. Hallertauer (10 mins)
Wyeast 1056 American Ale
2 lb. Pumpkin
1 tsp. Allspice
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Nutmeg
4 oz. Corn Sugar
All contents ©2011 Ken Broman