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ZZ9: A Milk Stout

The first beer of this style we ever had was Left Hand Brewery’s Milk Stout. Shortly there after we attended our first Winter Beer Fest and had the chance to sample a number of milk stouts by a wide variety of brewers. We had a chocolate milk stout, a mole milk stout with a little chile,  and a few others as well.

We were hooked, and of course had to try our hand at brewing one. The results were very satisfying and well received.


Type: Extract
OG: 1.047
FG: 1.015
ABV: 4.19%
Specialty Grain
.25 lb. Caramel Crystal Malt
.75 lbs. Chocolate Malt
6 lbs. Dark Liquid Malt Extract
1.5 oz. Cluster (60 mins.)
.5 oz. Cluster (30 mins.)
Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale
4 oz. Corn Sugar
All contents ©2012 Ken Broman